The use of the Sites and Services made available to you by linkiptvsmarters implies compliance with these General Terms of Use.


For a proper understanding of these General Terms of Use, please refer to the following definitions:

  • “General Terms of Use”: refers to all the provisions you have accepted as part of your use of the Site and Services.
  • “Content”: refers to all audiovisual, cinematographic, textual, literary, sound, graphic, typographic, and photographic elements, software, databases, applications, animated images, multimedia games, etc., available on the Sites, including the audiovisual content offered through the Player and the comments you post on the linkiptvsmarters Community Spaces.
  • “linkiptvsmarters Community Spaces”: refers to the pages of the Site that allow you to participate in Services and interact through interactive applications (such as comment modules, chats, etc.).
  • “Player”: refers to the computer tools for broadcasting and playing Content on the Sites.
  • “Service(s)”: refer to, without limitation, blogs, forums, chat, the provision of tools, including the Player, Content sharing modules, and generally any other service offered by linkiptvsmarters on the Sites.
  • “Territory”: refers to metropolitan France (including Corsica), Monaco, Andorra, Switzerland, Overseas Departments and Regions (DROM), and certain Overseas Collectivities (COM – Saint Martin and Saint Barthélemy and French Polynesia), New Caledonia, and African countries where linkiptvsmarters INTERNATIONAL distributes and markets “linkiptvsmarters Offers.”
  • “User”: refers to any natural person who has fulfilled the access conditions for the Service in order to access Content on the Sites.


These General Terms of Use aim to define the contractual relationships between you and linkiptvsmarters regarding access to and use of the Sites and Services.


Certain Services are governed by several contractual documents:

  • General terms of sale / General subscription terms.
  • Specific provisions of the relevant Service provided in the General Terms of Use.
  • Common provisions provided in the General Terms of Use.

When multiple provisions are applicable to a Service, in case of contradiction between the stipulations of the different contractual documents, the stipulations of the higher-ranking document shall prevail over the stipulations of the lower-ranking document in the order indicated above. These contractual documents are available on the website of your offer in a dematerialized format, where applicable, accessible to persons with disabilities. They must be downloaded and kept for documentation, future reference, and reproduction purposes.


Access to certain Services requires registration on the Site(s) and/or holding a linkiptvsmarters subscription. Holding an account with third-party services may also be required (such as the Facebook social module, for example). linkiptvsmarters will inform you directly on the Site of this requirement. Apart from these access restrictions, access is not subject to payment or prior registration or holding a subscription.To register on the Sites, you must: 

  • Fill out the form with all mandatory information (identified by “*”; in case of failure to respond, the Service cannot be executed), ensuring the information provided is accurate, truthful, and up-to-date.
  • Accept these General Terms of Use.

Registering on the Site(s) allows you to access certain content, such as free channels or free time slots of the linkiptvsmarters channel (not applicable for DROM, COM, New Caledonia, and Africa). Access to this content is not subject to holding a paid subscription.In exchange for your registration and under the conditions defined in the “Personal Data” article, you may receive commercial communications from linkiptvsmarters in compliance with applicable data protection regulations. You undertake not to use a pseudonym or email address that may infringe upon the rights of third parties (including the use of the surname, pseudonym, trademark, commercial name of others, or works protected by copyright and/or neighboring rights).linkiptvsmarters pays the utmost attention to the security of your data through the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational protection measures. Your identifier (email address) and password are personal and confidential. You are solely responsible for the use of your password. You undertake to keep your password secret and not to disclose it in any form.In the event that you are a minor natural person, you declare and acknowledge that you have obtained authorization from the holder(s) of parental authority over you to register and use the Services. The holder(s) of parental authority has (have) agreed to ensure compliance with all the provisions of these General Terms of Use. It is their responsibility to determine which Service is or is not appropriate for their child(ren) and to monitor their use thereof. linkiptvsmarters will immediately delete any account of a minor holder upon receipt by its services of a request from a holder of parental authority to close the account.During your use of the Services, linkiptvsmarters is required to collect personal data about you, which you provide directly or indirectly to use the Sites and benefit from the Services (such as identification data, payment data, data related to subscribed services and your consumption, and online identifiers). The processing of this data is necessary for the execution of the General Terms of Use and is conducted in accordance with applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, including the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended and the European Regulation on the protection of personal data of April 27, 2016.This data may be intended for linkiptvsmarters personnel, its subcontractors providing the Sites and Services, and potentially its partners, in compliance with applicable data protection regulations. It may also be disclosed, upon judicial or administrative request and to comply with laws or regulations, to public bodies, judicial officers, or ministerial officers.By using the Services, you release linkiptvsmarters from any liability related to internal disputes of a private nature arising from the use of the Services by other household members, whether minors or adults.Your personal data is used for administrative and technical management of the Services, audience measurement, quality monitoring, payment to rights holders, commercial prospecting, fraud detection, and dispute management. Optional information may be used to better understand your needs and improve the services offered to you.linkiptvsmarters may send you information about its services and commercial proposals by postal mail, email, or telephone, in compliance with applicable data protection regulations. You have the right to oppose this use of your data, and if applicable, you can register on a telephone solicitation opposition list (Bloctel) for telephone commercial prospecting.You authorize linkiptvsmarters to collect usage data from your use of the Services for quality monitoring, optimizing your experience, and defining user profiles to recommend programs or products and services adapted to your needs and usage patterns. You can oppose this use through the settings or account management section on the linkiptvsmarters website, or by contacting linkiptvsmarters directly.Your personal data and usage information are archived electronically by linkiptvsmarters for the duration of your subscription to the Services and for the legal retention and prescription periods required.linkiptvsmarters implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data, including policies, procedures, and technical solutions to prevent and address security incidents.In cases where data is transferred outside the European Union, linkiptvsmarters ensures compliance with data protection regulations through appropriate safeguards, such as Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.You have various rights regarding your personal data under applicable regulations, including the rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation of processing, and portability. To exercise these rights, you must contact linkiptvsmarters and provide proof of your identity.For specific inquiries regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact linkiptvsmarters’ Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the designated addresses based on your location or the applicable website policies.You also have the right to define directives regarding the storage, erasure, and communication of your personal data after your death, and you may lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority, such as the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL).For more detailed information on how linkiptvsmarters processes personal data, please refer to the “Personal Data and Privacy” Appendix provided on the relevant websites.


linkiptvsmarters, companies of the linkiptvsmarters Group, and its partners place cookies on your computer. These cookies serve various purposes including enabling you to connect to the Sites, use the Services (including Players), conduct audience measurements, receive targeted advertising, or utilize social media sharing functions. You have the option to refuse cookies by adjusting your browser settings. However, please note that refusing cookies may limit your access to certain features of the Site or Services. For more detailed information about cookies, linkiptvsmarters directs you to its “Cookies” policy accessible here.


The use of linkiptvsmarters’ Services requires an Internet connection and adequate computer equipment, the costs, fees, subscriptions, and taxes of which are your responsibility. Access to the Services may be subject to compatibility and interoperability constraints based on your hardware. Please refer to the specific provisions of the relevant Service for further details. You agree not to disrupt the operation of the Site and Services, and specifically not to use any computer program intended to render the Sites, Services, or linkiptvsmarters’ information system unavailable. You acknowledge the characteristics and constraints of the Internet, including the fact that data and information transmissions over the Internet may face technical reliability issues due to diverse network characteristics.


8.1. The Sites and Services: The Sites, including all texts, illustrations, videos, images, sounds, data, databases, programs, and underlying software technology, are protected by intellectual property rights owned by linkiptvsmarters or used under authorization. Without prior authorization from linkiptvsmarters and its rights holders, reproduction or representation of the Sites and their Content, data extraction, or any act of counterfeiting is prohibited and subject to civil and criminal penalties. This prohibition encompasses copying, disassembling, downloading, recording, and any other form of unauthorized access to the Content provided on the Sites. By publishing comments on the Sites, you grant linkiptvsmarters the right to reproduce and display these comments for the entire duration of the intellectual property rights, worldwide, and across any medium. This includes the rights to modify, adapt, translate, and incorporate these comments into other works as necessary. You warrant that you hold the necessary intellectual property rights and permissions for any comments you publish, indemnifying linkiptvsmarters against any claims related to the ownership or use of such comments.8.2. The Player: The Player, used for viewing Content on the Sites (excluding certain Content determined by linkiptvsmarters), is exclusively owned by linkiptvsmarters.These provisions define linkiptvsmarters’ rights and expectations regarding intellectual property and user responsibilities when accessing and using its Sites and Services.

8.2.1. Use of the Player

Reproduction, copying, modification, alteration, deletion, exchange, or any commercial exploitation of all or part of the Player and its Content, directly or indirectly for compensation, profit, or benefit, is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from linkiptvsmarters. Any form of backup or download of Content, regardless of the method or medium used, is expressly prohibited unless authorized in writing by linkiptvsmarters. Additionally, editing, public availability, or communication to the public of software, applications, websites, etc., that aim to circumvent the normal operation of the Player is not permitted.

8.2.2. Export of the Player

Exporting the Player allows you to transfer Content from the Sites to other websites or blogs using provided computer code. This feature is available only to individuals and media sites for public information purposes, provided the export or “embed” function is offered on the relevant Site and expressly agreed upon by linkiptvsmarters. Commercial use of the Player or associating it with commercial products is strictly prohibited. You must not associate Player Content with environments that contravene laws or regulations, or damage the image or reputation of linkiptvsmarters. Modification, creation of derivative works or services, compilation of Content sequences, or blocking of Player features, including links to the Site, are prohibited. Advertising messages embedded within the Player must not be concealed, removed, or modified by any means without authorization.

8.3. Content Protection

Content accessible to Users is protected digital files under national and international copyright and neighboring rights laws. Access is limited to private use within the designated Territory, excluding specific regions. Cross-border portability is permitted under certain conditions for subscribers temporarily present in EU Member States other than their residence. Unauthorized use, including resale, exchange, rental, or transfer of digital files, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Reproduction, modification, or use of intellectual property rights attached to the Services and Sites without prior authorization from linkiptvsmarters is strictly prohibited.


Content of a pornographic nature (“Category V Programs”) is prohibited for minors under 18 years old and restricted to informed adult audiences. Access is controlled by a parental code, defined by the user, and requires explicit acceptance of terms before access. Criminal sanctions apply to anyone allowing minors access to such content.


Users must exercise discretion and comply with applicable laws and regulations when using the services provided. Posting content, including hyperlinks, that is illegal, encourages criminal activity, discriminatory, violent, pornographic, defamatory, or infringes on privacy or intellectual property rights is prohibited. Users are responsible for ensuring their content adheres to these standards.These provisions outline the responsibilities and restrictions associated with the use of linkiptvsmarters’ services, including the Player, protection of minors, and guidelines for user-generated content

Allowing the acquisition of programs, tools, software allowing acts of hacking and intrusion into computer and telecommunication systems and, in general, any software or other tool allowing infringement of the rights of others and the security of persons and property.
  1. NewSmartTV may delete any content edited by you or by third parties that does not comply with applicable laws, regulations, or practices, as well as the rights of third parties. You will be informed of the deletion of your content. Similarly, NewSmartTV may temporarily suspend or delete your account in the event of serious or repeated violations of these provisions. As a host, within the meaning of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for confidence in the digital economy, NewSmartTV cannot be held liable for content that you publish on the sites that contravene these General Terms of Use:
  • If NewSmartTV did not actually know their illegal nature or the facts and circumstances indicating this nature;
  • Or if, as soon as NewSmartTV became aware of it, it acted promptly to remove or make it inaccessible.

You are solely responsible for your comments, and as such, you indemnify iptvsmarters against any claims and/or actions that any person may take due to the dissemination of these comments on NewSmartTV Community Spaces in accordance with Article “12. Responsibility.”11. PROVISIONS RELATING TO CHAT AND NAVIGATION ASSISTANCE The NewSmartTV chat service, available in the DROM, COM, and New Caledonia, connects any site user who wishes to contact and communicate with an online advisor. Access to chat is free and does not require prior identification.iptvsmarters collects and retains user data in accordance with applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. Among the features of the chat service offered by NewSmartTV, it allows both subscribed and non-subscribed users to benefit from navigation assistance provided by the online advisor.In this context, the site user may be asked to provide identification data related to their subscription for guided assistance on the site. However, as indicated below, you agree to keep your password secret and not to disclose it in any form. User agreement for navigation assistance is systematically required before any intervention by an online advisor. No recording or storage of data is performed during navigation assistance by an online advisor.You agree not to include in the chat discussion any addresses or hyperlinks referring to third-party sites that would contravene applicable laws and regulations and/or that would infringe on the rights of third parties and/or that would contravene these General Terms of Use.12. LIABILITY NewSmartTV disclaims all liability for the use of services not in accordance with these General Terms of Use. NewSmartTV is not responsible for any delay in performance or for any failure to perform its obligations resulting from the General Terms of Use that constitute a force majeure event, as defined by Article 1218 of the Civil Code and case law.13. SUSPENSION – TERMINATION NewSmartTV reserves the right to temporarily interrupt all or part of the site(s) or services for reasons related to the security of the site(s). NewSmartTV also reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the relationship resulting from the General Terms of Use if you commit significant breaches of Articles 7 and 10 of these CGUs, provided that the automatic termination by NewSmartTV is without prejudice to your right to oppose it to NewSmartTV by arguing your case.CHAPTER II: SPECIFIC PROVISIONS FOR MYCANAL AND NEWSMARTTV+SERIES

  1. SERVICES ACCESSIBLE VIA iptvsmarters The website and the “myNewSmartTV” application (or “iptvsmarters+” for certain connected devices, it being specified that the developments relating to “iptvsmarters” throughout these conditions also apply to these devices) allow NewSmartTV subscribers to access, subject to having the equipment and software defined in Article 2, the services included in the subscription(s):
  • LIVE TV: access, subject to being subscribed to the “Multi-Screen” service, if applicable, to the content of your iptvsmarters subscription;
  • Video on demand programs (catch-up television offers for the content of your NewSmartTV subscription);
  • NewSmartTV+SERIES;
  • NewSmartTV VOD; It is specified that iptvsmarters+SERIES and NewSmartTV VOD subscriptions are not available in the DROM, COM, New Caledonia, and Africa.
  1. For iptvsmarters subscribers, access to on-demand programs is limited to the number of simultaneous connections according to the subscription formula held, via the myNewSmartTV site (on PC, Mac, smartphone, or digital tablet) or via the “iptvsmarters” application (on smartphone, digital tablet, compatible connected TVs, Fire TV, Mac, XBOX ONE, XBOX Series S or X, PS4 or PS5), except with a specific offer. For subscribers to iptvsmarters offers in Switzerland, access to on-demand programs is limited to a single connection, only via the iptvsmarters application on smartphone, digital tablet, connected TVs, Fire TV, Mac, Apple TV/Android TV.For individuals not subscribed to NewSmartTV, benefiting from a so-called “discovery” offer, access to on-demand programs is limited to one connection at a time, via the myNewSmartTV site (on PC, Mac, smartphone, or digital tablet) or via the “iptvsmarters” application (on smartphone, digital tablet, compatible connected TVs, Fire TV, Mac, XBOX ONE, XBOX Series S or X, PS4 or PS5).For subscribers located in the DROM, COM, or New Caledonia, please refer to the tariff sheet for iptvsmarters offers in the relevant area. For subscribers located in Africa, please refer to the tariff sheet for iptvsmarters offers in the relevant country. Certain iptvsmarters content, live or on-demand, via internet, Wi-Fi, or mobile networks, may be subject to occultations and/or modifications.To facilitate the operation of the services, optimize the flow, and improve the quality of reception of the services, iptvsmarters users authorize iptvsmarters to use the processor, bandwidth, and storage hardware on their equipment as referred to in Article 3 below.It is specified that the subscription, withdrawal, duration, and termination conditions applicable to iptvsmarters users via the subscription taken out with an operator/internet service provider are those of the relevant operator.The iptvsmarters website also allows all users, whether they are NewSmartTV subscribers or not, to access the TV GUIDE for iptvsmarters content. LIVE TV, on-demand programs, and THE GUIDE are hereinafter referred to as “iptvsmarters Services”.

2. ACCESS TO iptvsmarters. SERIES CONTENTFor NewSmartTV+SERIES subscribers, access to the service is via myNewSmartTV under the technical conditions described below. Offer limited to the number of connections corresponding to the chosen formula (1, 2, or 4).3. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS FOR ACCESSING SERVICESAccess to myNewSmartTV is subject to the User’s compliance with the technical conditions described below, including minimum operating system versions required for service compliance. NewSmartTV does not guarantee the accessibility of the myNewSmartTV application to users who do not have the minimum version of the user’s equipment’s operating system specified below for the equipment. Said necessary minimum version is subject to change to maintain service compliance and will be communicated to the User reasonably in advance. When the User does not install, within a reasonable time, the relevant update, NewSmartTV is not responsible for compliance defects resulting solely from the non-installation of this update to the User’s equipment’s operating system.3.1. COMPUTERTo access the myNewSmartTV website, you must have a high-speed internet connection (1 Mbps strongly recommended). To access on-demand programs and NewSmartTV+SERIES, compatible browsers are:

  • Firefox (in its most recent version) from Windows 7 and Mac OS Monterey (Apple Silicon processor recommended)
  • Safari (in its most recent version) from Mac OS Monterey
  • Google Chrome (in its most recent version) from Windows 7 and Mac OS Monterey
  • Google Chrome for Android (in its most recent version)
  • Microsoft Edge

3.2. MOBILE DEVICESFor a better viewing experience, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi mode. Using myNewSmartTV via EDGE/3G/4G/5G may incur communication surcharges related to the consumption of Content for which NewSmartTV Group cannot be held responsible.


The provisions of this chapter do not apply to Overseas Departments and Regions (DROM), Overseas Collectivities (COM), New Caledonia, Switzerland, Andorra, and Africa. To access the above services, when they are included or available in your subscription offers, on a computer, smartphone, tablet (excluding Apple TV and Android TV), you must log in to the website or go to the iptvsmarters mobile application and enter your iptvsmarters+ credentials. To do this, you must click on the tab of the service concerned in “Channels and apps.” You can also access the various services directly through their websites and applications. The services listed above are accessible to all subscribers to iptvsmarters+ offers (excluding TV by iptvsmarters subscribers, Family by iptvsmarters,+SERIES alone, subscribers to the -26 years offer who subscribed before September 9, 2021, and the Initial Pack by Coriolis either as part of optional à la carte options or, where applicable, when included in their offer. No personal data is communicated to the services concerned, except for a technical identifier allowing access to said services and tracking consumption. The use of services in this context is subject only to the general conditions of NewSmartV+. You can request the removal of services by calling NEWSMARTV+ Customer Service. The removal will be effective no later than the end of the month following the date of your request.

CHAPTER V: SPECIFIC PROVISIONS FOR DISNEY+ AND NETFLIXThe provisions of this chapter do not apply in Africa. To enjoy Disney+ and/or Netflix as part of your subscription to NEWSMARTV+ offers, you must have created a NEWSMARTV+ account as well as a Netflix and/or Disney+ account subject to the terms of use and protection of personal data of Netflix (available at and/or Disney+ (available at which will respectively process your personal data as data controller for contract performance. For subscribers located outside DROM, COM, or New Caledonia, Netflix and Disney+ are available via myNewSmartTV (subject to equipment compatibility) and on TV via satellite, ADSL/Fiber, and Cable with compatible decoder and according to your operator. If you have already subscribed to a monthly or annual Disney+ subscription, activate your account by clicking on the link in the email sent by Groupe NewSmartV+ or by going to your NEWSMARTV+ Customer Area and enter your usual Disney+ credentials to keep your profiles. After activating and completing the configuration of your Disney+ account via iptvsmarters+ using your usual Disney+ credentials, you will receive an email from Disney+ containing information on managing your current subscription. For subscribers located in DROM, COM, or New Caledonia, we invite you to refer to the websites of the relevant areas.

CHAPTER VI: SPECIFIC PROVISIONS FOR THE CSTAR DEDICATION SERVICEThe provisions of this chapter do not apply to Overseas Departments and Regions (DROM), Overseas Collectivities (COM), New Caledonia, and Africa.

ARTICLE 1 – PRESENTATION CSTAR, a Simplified Joint Stock Company, with a capital of 10,000 Euros, whose registered office is located at 50 rue Camille Desmoulins 92863 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX Cedex 9, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 384 939 484, publisher of the CSTAR channel (hereinafter referred to as “CSTAR”), (hereinafter “CSTAR”), (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Company”). The Company sets up a service (hereinafter the “Service”) allowing the sharing of dedicated messages sent by viewers (hereinafter the “User”) using a banner appearing for approximately 8 seconds, usually at the bottom of the screen during the broadcast and/or rerun of the following music shows: On CSTAR: “TOP CLIP” and/or “TOP FRANCE” and/or “TOP CSTAR” and/or “TOP 80” and/or “TOP 2000” and/or any other show broadcast on the CSTAR channel. (Hereinafter together the “Shows”).

ANNEX “PERSONAL DATA AND CONFIDENTIALITY” 11/06/2024As part of your Subscription to the iptvsmarters+ offers, by creating a iptvsmarters+ account, participating in events (games, contests, signing up for newsletters), or your Subscription to the beIN SPORTS CONNECT offer, you are required to provide Groupe NEWSMART+ (RCS Nanterre 420 624 777, 50 rue Camille Desmoulins – 92863 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex 9) and its subsidiaries, including the company NEWSMART+ International (R.C.S Nanterre 592 033 401, 50 rue Camille Desmoulins – 92863 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex 9) (hereinafter referred to as “Groupe NEWSMART+”), with personal data concerning you. In the context of our commercial relations, our partners also communicate to us, during specific operations, personal identification and contact data collected from you, in compliance with the applicable regulations on personal data protection.For more information, please refer to our:subscription terms and conditions, (valid only for Metropolitan France and Monaco). For other territories, you will find the subscription terms and conditions on the website of your offer. General terms of use of Groupe NEWSMART+ websites, Up-to-date pricing information, available on your Customer Area For subscribers to beIN SPORTS CONNECT: General subscription terms for beIN SPORTS CONNECT and General terms of use of the beIN SPORTS CONNECT website accessible at the bottom of the page. These documents must be kept for documentation, future reference, and reproduction purposes.Why are your data used and for what purposes? What data do we collect? To whom can your personal data be transmitted? What are your rights and how can you exercise them? How long are your personal data kept? Who to contact in case of questions?

1. WHY ARE YOUR DATA USED AND FOR WHAT PURPOSES? Groupe NEWSMART+ aims to provide you with the best services and features for simpler, smoother, and more personalized TV. In this context, we implement analyses to establish an individualized profile of our subscribers. We process your data related to your use of our services to (i) provide you with services or offer you offers adapted to your interests, needs, or usage, (ii) recommend more relevant programs, or (iii) measure the impact of our advertising campaigns that are presented to you and personalize them.We use your data for the following purposes and on the basis of the following legal grounds: 1/ Processing carried out on the legal basis of the contract:Provide you with the services and content related to the Subscription you have subscribed to or the account you have created. Manage the subscription and follow-up of your Subscription. Manage your participation in contests or promotional offers. Manage outstanding payments. 2/ Processing carried out on the legal basis of legal or contractual obligations to which iptvsmarters+ is subject:Manage disputes, litigation recovery procedures, legal or administrative procedures. Respond to your requests and our legal and regulatory obligations. Manage and justify the payment to rights holders based on the consumption of content by our users. 3/ Processing carried out on the legal basis of Groupe iptvsmarters+’s legitimate interest in managing infringements of our rights, improving our services, and understanding your expectations:Detect, prevent, and manage fraud and manage disputes. Establish statistics and studies relating to the use of our services, particularly for audience measurement and quality monitoring purposes. Record telephone exchanges with our advisors for quality monitoring purposes. 4/ Processing carried out on the legal basis of Groupe iptvsmarters+’s legitimate interest in personalizing services and offers, measuring the performance of advertising campaigns that we broadcast, understanding your expectations, and improving our services, promoting our services and those of third parties, subject to your rights detailed in Article 4 or in our Cookie Policy:Create and share audience segments or user profiles based on your use of our services and/or your interests. Measure your interest in the advertisements presented to you. Recommend content based on your interests. Personalize the advertising presented to you based on your use of our services or those of third-party services. 5/ Processing carried out on the legal basis of Groupe NEWSMART+’s legitimate interest in promoting our services and those of our partners, subject to your rights detailed in Article 4 below:

  • Send you information by any means (postal mail, email, telephone, SMS, notifications from the iptvsmarters+ or beIN SPORTS CONNECT application), allowing you to better know our services as well as commercial offers relating to our services or those of our partners. Anonymization of personal data We may implement anonymization processes to protect the privacy of individuals, which are equivalent to the deletion of personal data under conditions guaranteeing the impossibility for GROUPE iptvsmarters+ or anyone else, by any means, to identify or individualize a person, a terminal, or behavior. If necessary, we use anonymization devices that meet the most demanding criteria established by European regulators regarding anonymization techniques, which we ensure are regularly reviewed in light of the evolution of mathematical techniques. Anonymous data resulting from these techniques may be used by GROUPE NEWSMART+ or its partners under conditions that do not fall under the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.

2. WHAT DATA DO WE COLLECT? We collect the following personal data:Your identification and registration data for our services Your usage data of our services Identification data of the terminals used to access our services (access box identifier, decoder identifier, or playback terminal identifier) Reaction data to targeted advertisements presented to you

3. TO WHOM CAN YOUR PERSONAL DATA BE TRANSMITTED? Your personal data is intended for our subcontractors who are involved in providing our services and, if applicable, in compliance with the applicable regulations on personal data protection, to our commercial partners, to organizations involved in the fight against content piracy (Association for the Fight against Audiovisual Piracy (ALPA), Motion Picture Association (MPA), Association for the Protection of Sports Programs (APPS), and Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE)) or to third parties involved in advertising distribution, subject to your rights guaranteed by the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.Thus, as part of the performance measurement of advertising campaigns broadcast through our services, we are required to transmit, in a confidential and secure manner, to certain of our partners specialized in this field, subject to having obtained your consent, the identifier of a user’s terminal associated with an indication of the type of advertising campaign to which it was exposed when consulting our services.If you have previously consented to the commercial use of the location data of your mobile terminal with our partners, they may provide us, in the form of aggregated statistics, with the percentage of users who have previously given their consent to such geolocation and who have frequented a commercial space related to the advertising